John 15:5 - I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.



New Covenant Bible Church currently supports nine missionaries or missions agencies in 6 different countries. Twenty percent of our annual budget is set aside for missions which we define as any endeavor outside our local congregation to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by making disciples, and relating to the whole need of mankind--spiritual and physical.

We believe that the people of New Covenant Bible Church - individually and collectively - should participate in missions.

Mission Organizations
The Joshua Project - Guatemala
The Joshua Project - Guatemala is an organization founded to support missionaries who take the gospel of Christ to orphans in Guatemala.
  • Alison Davis
OMS International
The mission of OMS International is to establish and support mature Christ-centered churches among the nations. The founders believed that "a nation can best be won by its own sons and daughters." Thus, their mission is to build strong, indigenous, self-governed churches and train nationals to pastor these churches.
  • David and Carol Cosby
  • Carl and Heidi Walton
  • Leslie Herman
CrossWorld serves the church by mobilizing teams to make disciples and train leaders, which will result in movements of reproducing churches among the unreached.
  • Jeff and Debbie Diehl
E.P.I.C. International
E.P.I.C. International exists for the purpose of planting churches among the unreached people groups of the world.
  • Ashis Biswas
Widows Harvest Ministries
Widows Harvest Ministies is a Christian based non-profit service organization located in Chattanooga, TN. Their mission is to plead the case of, provide assistance to, and promote the spiritual growth and ministry of widows.
  • Andy Mendonsa
Here's Life Inner City
The compassionate urban ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Their mission - to serve and mobilize the church to live out God's heart for the poor and fulfill the Great Commission.
  • Ithiel and Irish Jones
The Hope Center
A crisis pregnancy center located in Woodstock, GA.
Georgia Right to Life
Their fundamental purpose is to engage in actions that will restore respect and effective legal protection for all human beings from the moment of fertilization until natural death.
Mission Trips
New Covenant Bible Church offers a yearly short-term missions trip to Guatemala with Medical Missions Ministries. Visit the Medical Missions Ministries website to find out more about this ministry: Medical Missions Ministries, and if you're interested in going to Guatemala on one of our trips please let us know by filling out our contact form.

New Covenant Bible Church - 1095 Scott Road - Canton, GA 30115 - 770-479-6412
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