John 15:5 - I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.



Upcoming Conference
The conference will be held at First Baptist of Woodstock. Please click the banner for more information and to register.
Online Bibles
Bible Gateway
The most translations of any online Bible that we have found, and the only online Bible with an English Standard Version translation
Limited on the number of translations, but a great Biblical reference.
Teaching and Bible Study Resources
Dr. Constable's Bible Study Notes
The on-line study notes from Dallas Seminary professor Dr. Tom Constable. Every book of the Bible available in pdf format.
Free Bible Study software.
Desiring God
Their mission is to produce and distribute resources that spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.
Insight for Living
The ministry of Chuck Swindoll.
Grace To You
The ministry of John MacArthur.
Ligonier Ministries
The radio/TV ministry of R.C. Sproul.
Devotional Resources
ESV One Year Bible
English Standard Version of the One Year Bible that features a reading from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs each day. You are also given the option to listen to the Bible.
RBC Ministries
The publishers of "Our Daily Bread".
Morning & Evening
An online version of Charles Spurgeon's daily devotional.
Family Resources
Focus on the Family
Great resource for the entire family.
Focus on Your Child
Focus on Your Child is a membership program designed to help parents bond together, share practical advice, and encourage one another to make the most of the parenting years. It is an outgrowth of Focus on the Family.
Church Resources
Children Desiring God
Curriculum used by New Covenant for their Children's Ministry.
Mission Organizations
Medical Missions Ministries
In the breathtakingly beautiful countryside of Guatemala, amid volcanoes, forest, desert, mountains, valleys and lakes, small teams of Americans are transported in USA-supplied Chevy Suburbans to remote villages to offer both medical and spiritual restoration to the needy.
OMS International
The mission of OMS International is to establish and support mature Christ-centered churches among the nations. The founders believed that "a nation can best be won by its own sons and daughters." Thus, their mission is to build strong, indigenous, self-governed churches and train nationals to pastor these churches.
CrossWorld serves the church by mobilizing teams to make disciples and train leaders, which will result in movements of reproducing churches among the unreached.
E.P.I.C. International
E.P.I.C. International exists for the purpose of planting churches among the unreached people groups of the world.
Widows Harvest Ministries
Widows Harvest Ministies is a Christian based non-profit service organization located in Chattanooga, TN. Their mission is to plead the case of, provide assistance to, and promote the spiritual growth and ministry of widows.
Here's Life Inner City
The compassionate urban ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Their mission - to serve and mobilize the church to live out God's heart for the poor and fulfill the Great Commission.
The Hope Center
A crisis pregnancy center located in Woodstock, GA.
Georgia Right to Life
Their fundamental purpose is to engage in actions that will restore respect and effective legal protection for all human beings from the moment of fertilization until natural death.
New Covenant Bible Church - 1095 Scott Road - Canton, GA 30115 - 770-479-6412
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